

Monday 17 November 2014

I can't hide it, it's a part of me: It's a nightmare.

It was a normal day in Konno’s life. She woke up at the same hour as usual to go to high school, go back home, eat, do homework and sleep. She spent her days, weeks and months doing the same exact thing. Maybe, for her the weekend was too short to disconnect. She was tired of the routine: do always the same thing. She didn’t practise sport for years and she didn’t even care about having good friends. She lived well alone with herself.

One day, at midnight, she decided to go outside and relax a bit, because she had a really busy day and she couldn’t sleep. She had nightmares with zombies, ghosts and terrifying creatures that spoke. They all told her that she would end up alone, that no one loved her or supported her, not even her family, … Once outside she thought it was a good idea to go for a walk into the Aokigahara forest, half an hour away from her home. She always heard rumors about people who killed themselves in the forest and that in the nights you could hear their screams and weird noises.

While she was walking she felt this cold air in her skin and she was scared. She didn’t want to do anything strange out there, she only wanted to know if any of those stories were real or just tales that people spread in the town. She was walking silently through the forest, she didn’t want to drag any attention on her. She was walking for twenty minutes and suddenly she started to hear screams. She got scared and she screamed. In that moment, she covered her mouth and continued to walk searching the answer to her questions. She felt like someone was following her, like someone wanted to catch her but in a slowly way. Then, she noticed this strong presence around and she started running fast, very fast. 

She ran really fast for some minutes when suddenly she stopped and found a tomb in the ground. On the stone there were these words written: LEAVE ME ALONE. Konno got scared and decided to keep walking leaving the tomb behind. Suddenly, her phone rang. She ignored it and she starts walking again: she went there to discover something and she kept that in mind. She found a pond and she sat there to rest for a while, but them the trees leaves start to make a strange and loud noise that bothered her. She covered her ears and convinced herself to forget but it was too late.

 She looked around and then she saw a lot of horrifying creatures: zombies, ghosts, vampires, witches and demons screaming at her: NO ONE LOVES YOU, YOU’LL END UP ALONE! She started crying and screaming: NO, NO, NO!

 But… Then, she woke up.

 All was a nightmare, one of many that dragged her into her own hell.

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